Emergency Alerts

In the event of an emergency requiring immediate campus-wide communication, official information and instructions will be posted to this page.

Critical UR Alert: There are no active UR Alerts at this time.

About UR Alert

During an emergency impacting campus, the University of Richmond will use UR Alert to provide critical, safety information via text messages, email, and phone calls. UR Alert is dependent on an individual "opt-in" registration in order to receive alert messages. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to sign up for the service. Visit the UR Alert page for more information and sign-up instructions.


UR Police, emergency
(804) 289-8911 (911 from a campus phone)

UR Police, non-emergency
(804) 289-8715

UR Switchboard
(804) 289-8000

UR Hotline
(804) 289-8760


The University of Richmond (UR) has an Emergency Notification System (ENS) with multi‐channel communication capabilities. One component of the ENS is the Outdoor Warning System (OWS). The OWS consists of clusters of outdoor speakers centrally located on campus. It is capable of playing a recorded message or live audio from the UR Police Department Dispatcher. The system is most frequently used to alert persons outside to seek shelter indoors immediately due to an approaching tornado.

The OWS will be tested once a semester. The timing of these tests will be announced in advance.